Preparing the Ground


We began handforming and making the bricks needed for our children's forever home in 2018. Uganda has wonderful clay soil and we felt it was a less expensive way to start our project. These are made two by two in a wooden form,  then taken out and dried for later firing,  when each batch reaches 10,000. 

Simon with some of the bricks

We now have 50,000 bricks made and fired and ready to go. The lot has also been cleared for building and the bricks transported by truck to the site. This has been quite a feat as no equipment was used in the making of these. 

Community Based Organization Permit

We are pleased to share that our district has approved our building permit. The home will be named Kilolo Christian Heart Orphanage.

Construction Schematic 

The district has also approved our plan for the 4400 sq ft home. It will have six bedrooms, three bathrooms, a large open kitchen, and central dining/teaching area. It will also have a pantry, a laundry room and  a study room with a small library.

Laying the Foundation...

The Building Begins!

Our Children's Home

 As of May 14, 2021, we began the construction of the foundation for our children's home. We completed this phase mid-July and are now finished with roof framing and our beautiful red metal roof is complete!

Framing and Roofing Complete!

Current Mission Updates

Our continued work for our children's home

Interior Ceilings

Completed interior ceilings in the summer of 2022!


Water Project

In November of 2022, we have drilled our well.


A Spring Wedding!

 Our director Simon Kakande got married to Joan Mutibua.