Our Story

We are a group of family and friends who are committed to leaving a legacy; something of value that lives beyond ourselves. We feel so privileged that we have the time to make a difference in someone else’s life, especially the many children in Uganda who are orphaned by AIDS and poverty, and that go day to day without the simplest things that we take for granted living in the western world. And though at times it feels like this effort can hardly make much difference compared to the great need there, it does to the ones we are able to save. 
Meet our Executive Director

Vera Tabib, Founder and director of Heavenly Presents, has had a long association with Uganda.  She was part of a program for rural village schools, in the early 2000's sending refurbished computers and working with partners in Uganda in the training of school children in computer technology. That effort led her to visit Uganda and was then inspired to take on the more immediate need of the countless orphans, one of which she had been sponsoring for many years. This cause is the one that has moved her heart the most and where she feels her focus needs to be.  She made contact with Mr. Kakande in 2018 by "chance" and they immediately connected on this mission. They are both committed to seeing a permanent home built for the children in his care.

Meet Simon Peter

 Simon Peter Kakande is the Director of Kilolo Christian Heart Orphanage in Uganda. He grew up in a small village called Kilolo in Semuto, in the Nakaseke district of Uganda. He grew up as an orphan in an orphanage called Caring Heart which took care of him and educated him up to secondary level. After his studies he joined the church to serve God, feeling he wanted to give back for his life and education. He began spreading the gospel on the streets and door to door, and met many kids that were in need. This touched his heart and made him want to help them even though he didn't have the resources to do so. He discussed this with his pastor who was in support of starting a home to help the children and encouraged him.  He said, "though you don't have anything now,  God will help you with this work". So he worked on people's gardens to raise money to pay his first rent and that is how he began his first home which is now called Kilolo Christian Heart Orphanage . Since then, his church has donated a plot of land to build a permanent home, so the little resources that come in can be put to education and other things the children need. 

Meet our Director of Fundraising
Kevin Miskelly  has recently joined our board of directors. He is working on plans for fundraising online as well as in our local community,  in order for us to carry out the mission of Heavenly Presents. He comes with a background in marketing and a heart for helping those in need, especially children. To contact Kevin for fundraising ideas and avenues, please use fundraising@heavenlypresents.love 
Meet our Media Director
Kanto Raveloson is from Antananarivo Madagascar, and is a computer science and business major, studying in Santa Rosa California.  She was selected as our media director because she comes from Africa herself, and  is passionate about assisting various projects that uplift Africa and her people.  For questions regarding designing your own website, please contact her at webmaster@heavenlypresents.love 
Meet our Newest Team Member
Joan Mutibua came to us as a volunteer caregiver and has become an invaluable part of our Kilolo family.  Simon and Joan met in 2017 and they wed in the spring of 2022.  Now the children have a mum and dad!