About the Children 

Starting from the far left is Kato Evans who is 4 years old. Next to him is Wasswa Elvis, who is also 4 years old. Both lost their parents to HIV in Wabiyinja Vilage. Next is Anabel, who is also 4 years old. And sitting on Simon's knee is Alicia who is 3. The two girls were being raised by their single mom who was a friend of Simon's and died in 2018, after which he took them in. To the right of Simon is John, whom he met at church when they were holding a Gospel concert. He told Simon he had no one and so was brought to the home. Next to him is Joyce who is 6 and then Badru who is 12. Badru was found on the streets of Mukono and was convinced to join Simon's home as he had nowhere to go. Not much is known about some of these children before coming to Kilolo Christian Heart Orphanage.

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Wasswa John Nakalema

He is 4 years old and has an older sister named Sylvia. They are from Kavulle village and were living alone. They joined Simon in 2017

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Sylvia Nakalema

Sylvia has a brother named Wasswa John Nakalema. They are from Kavulle village and were living on their own when Simon when Simon met them in 2017 and took them in.

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Juko Joram

He is 5 years old. He is an orphan who was living with his grandmother who grew too sick to care for him and needed to be in the hospital. He came to the orphanage in 2017.

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She is 6 and lost both her parents in a motorcycle accident. The church took care of her until giving her care over to Simon in 2018.

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Simon and he met on the streets in 2016, while he was preaching and spreading the Gospel. He was a runaway from his abusive stepmother who beat him and did not feed him much. Simon reported that to the police and they then allowed him to take Steven in his care.

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This is Musa. He is 3 years old. He lost his parents to HIV, and had been living with his grandmother until she became too old to take care of him. Simon then took him in in 2017.

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Anitah Namugona

Anitah is 3 years old. Simon met her in 2018, while she was living with her single mother who could not support her. Her mother helps at the church with different duties. 

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david kalema

This is David. He is 8 years old. Simon met him toward the end of 2018 during a gospel concert held in Nakaseke town. He was living with his father who was arrested and taken to prison for theft. The church then asked Simon to take him in with the rest of the kids.

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Erisa is a 13 year old boy whom Simon met on the streets of Mukono when preaching there. He did not want to be on the streets any longer and wanted to learn about God and so joined Simon and the rest of the children at Kilolo.